Fall is among us now and with the new season comes many changes. School is back in session and whether that means remote learning, in-person learning or a hybrid of the two, students, families and guardians have a basic idea of how things will be structured for the time being.
For families of children on IEPs, everyone should know who their liaison is. This is the person to contact if there are any questions with regards to the IEP and services. If you have not received a Remote Learning Plan (RLP) yet, you should receive it shortly. The RLP is a description of how a student’s IEP will be implemented remotely. At this time, IEPs are not being written to reflect remote learning. The hope is that all students will return to school fully within this fiscal year.
Documentation is key at this point in time. What is working at home? What is not working at home? It is not necessary to write every specific detail, but when discussing issues with your liaison and the IEP team, the more details you can provide, the better. This way, you will have a better opportunity to solve problems and implement strategies or make the changes that are necessary for your learner to succeed.
Documentation is key!
It is a busy time for advocates! As a parent or guardian of a child with special needs having an advocate working for you can give you a sense of comfort knowing that when you have questions or concerns pop up (which is happening for many on a daily basis right now!) you have an advocate on your side to support you. Don’t let things build up and become a problem. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed and stressed. Reach out to your advocate today.
Please contact Cara Cohen Advocate for an initial pro-bono consultation.
Cara Cohen
Special Education Advocate|Educational Consultant
Please visit my website: www.caracohenadvocate.com
Find me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cara-cohen-advocate
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caracohenadvocate
Phone: (571)331-5300